Once again my focus is set on the quest for the truth...not the truth as perceived by certain individuals but my own informed interpretations which have been ascertained by my own endeavours to seek the true meanings and philosophies as written in the manuscripts by the Guru's.

I must concede that as someone who loves philosophy, I was pleasantly surprised at the sheer amount and depth of the philosophies available in the Guru Granth Sahib. This quest will undoubtedly take me the rest of my life and even then it will not be complete, no doubt this will become a valuable resource by then and someone will endeavour to continue this work.

My main aim was to discuss certain philosophies in detail, especially those relevant to NRI's (Non Resident Indians) and those who have been brought up in a western culture. It hasn't been easy for me to find an authoritative source, but I am beginning to seek out persons and publications that have unbiased views on Sikhism. I have had to deal with breaking down the barriers of my own mind that have been erected over the years of western education and conditioning. I've learned that the east places great importance on spirituality combined with philosophy whereas the west view these two subjects as two different matters and in my experience does not place a huge importance of philosophical thinking. See my blogs on philosophical thinking; Possible Reality and Constant State of Evolution.

You will only gain knowledge by seeking. The more you become enlightened the more your boundaries will crumble around you, leaving you free to venture further. Your perceptions will begin to change once you are on the path of enlightenment.

I am fascinated by the respect Sikhism has for other religions, and unlike some religions there is no evidence to suggest that Sikhs have ever forced anyone to convert to their religion, on the contrary, Sikhs have fought to defend the downtrodden and oppressed, as were the Hindus during the Mughal rule in India.

In India now there are many different customs, languages, faiths and religions and yet all seem to be living in harmony up to the motto of unity in diversity.

Having said all that, I must add that studying religion goes hand in hand with studying history and in doing so I have touched on other cultures and religions that pre-date Sikhism, so although this blog started with a view to focus on Sikhism, I have added my research of world religions especially the earlier ones. Furthermore, it is my understanding that astrology, numerology, occultism, witchcraft, paganism, all have a part to play in the grand scheme of things and whilst some are more acceptable than others, we should not ignore the origins of mans beliefs that pre date religion as we know it in the present time.

Saturday 17 December 2011

Oldest Religion In The World

Religion goes back at least as far as human civilisations. Nobody knows what the first religion was. The Egyptians predate the Jews, The Mesopotamians predate them. The Chinese predate them...
Religions with a creation story often claim to be the oldest, since the world began with that creation and with the god or gods of that religion. Others say that animism would be the oldest known type of religion. This is a primitive religion, which sprang up independently in many areas of the world, but in most countries has mainly been replaced by more formal religion. In animism, spirits are considered to inhabit familiar objects in the landscape. For example, Australian aboriginal beliefs probably go back 60,000 or more.
Remnants of animal worship survived in Judaism and Christianity. Satan was a serpent; Jehovah, like Osiris, was worshiped as a bull; Christ was the lamb of God, and the Holy Ghost appeared in the form of a dove. However, these are only symbols of the worshiped object, and are not worshiped in themselves.
The Egyptian religion can also be considered the oldest religion. Its origins date back beyond 3000 BCE.

Religion comes from "religare," which is to bind, or have union with, etc. so humans throughout our history have been seeking this union. Yoga, in Sanskrit, means union. This longing for connection to god, to worship god, is innate in most all human beings.

Hinduism: Since Sanskrit is the oldest written language, as far as religion being written down, and as far as organized religion is concerned, it would be Hinduism. It is said that when Rama appeared, according to our calendar, was a million or so years ago (not sure of the exact date, but it's a long time!) And Krishna, god himself according to the Vedic scriptures, appeared here 5,000 years ago. Buddha, about 500 B.C., Jesus, about 2,000 years ago. If you go through the different religious book and study this question deeply, you will find out that Hinduism is the oldest religion of the world. There are no dates and facts, but its history is about more than 50000 thousands years ago....

Further reading...

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