Once again my focus is set on the quest for the truth...not the truth as perceived by certain individuals but my own informed interpretations which have been ascertained by my own endeavours to seek the true meanings and philosophies as written in the manuscripts by the Guru's.

I must concede that as someone who loves philosophy, I was pleasantly surprised at the sheer amount and depth of the philosophies available in the Guru Granth Sahib. This quest will undoubtedly take me the rest of my life and even then it will not be complete, no doubt this will become a valuable resource by then and someone will endeavour to continue this work.

My main aim was to discuss certain philosophies in detail, especially those relevant to NRI's (Non Resident Indians) and those who have been brought up in a western culture. It hasn't been easy for me to find an authoritative source, but I am beginning to seek out persons and publications that have unbiased views on Sikhism. I have had to deal with breaking down the barriers of my own mind that have been erected over the years of western education and conditioning. I've learned that the east places great importance on spirituality combined with philosophy whereas the west view these two subjects as two different matters and in my experience does not place a huge importance of philosophical thinking. See my blogs on philosophical thinking; Possible Reality and Constant State of Evolution.

You will only gain knowledge by seeking. The more you become enlightened the more your boundaries will crumble around you, leaving you free to venture further. Your perceptions will begin to change once you are on the path of enlightenment.

I am fascinated by the respect Sikhism has for other religions, and unlike some religions there is no evidence to suggest that Sikhs have ever forced anyone to convert to their religion, on the contrary, Sikhs have fought to defend the downtrodden and oppressed, as were the Hindus during the Mughal rule in India.

In India now there are many different customs, languages, faiths and religions and yet all seem to be living in harmony up to the motto of unity in diversity.

Having said all that, I must add that studying religion goes hand in hand with studying history and in doing so I have touched on other cultures and religions that pre-date Sikhism, so although this blog started with a view to focus on Sikhism, I have added my research of world religions especially the earlier ones. Furthermore, it is my understanding that astrology, numerology, occultism, witchcraft, paganism, all have a part to play in the grand scheme of things and whilst some are more acceptable than others, we should not ignore the origins of mans beliefs that pre date religion as we know it in the present time.

Saturday 2 November 2013


Halloween or All Hallows day was something I grew up taking part in as a child without questioning or even knowing what halloween was about. In my later years I stopped taking part because I could not identify myself with this celebration and what seemed to me to be a day of promoting Satanism by way of dressing up as an evil character.

The 31st October is generally regarded as the day of the dead, where those that have passed away are remembered, especially the hallowed, saints. I don't particularly have a problem with this or any other celebration apart from the fact like most celebrations this has also been hijacked by capitalists for profit, and them knowing that children are taught/coerced to take part in schools and parents not wanting to let their children be left out of what has become a 'normal' and accepted activity. I fear we've come to far from the origins of this day of contemplation and placed too much value on the presentation and trick or treating, we seem to have forgot that people sat quietly in remembrance and it didn't cost anything to do so. It is only in the last few decades that people started wearing witch and devil outfits and now even outfits that are synonymous with evil characters in movies. this has nothing to do with Halloween but no one seems to be stopping this.

Theres a lot of difference between celebrating the dead and masquerading as a witch or wearing a devil mask and when I see Christians doing this in the name of fun, I think to myself surely this is going against their religious beliefs, moreover, when I see other members of the community, Indians, Hindus etc all taking part I wonder why in the name of fun are we diluting our culture and beliefs and do we think we are actually enhancing our culture by integrating into the western culture.
I've always said... you don't have to believe in something to respect it but would you expect a Christian or anyone else for that matter to go to the Gurdwara on our guru's birthdays, vaisakhi, diwali etc and then would you expect them to wear a turban if they did attend out of respect.

What it boils down to is to challenge your actions, think why you are taking part in something and be brave enough to say no, this is not part of our culture or religion as the case may be. I'm proud of integrating into western society but I am not willing to give up or compromise my beliefs in doing so. I have chosen my own path and will do my best to stay true to it.